Summer Mercy Volunteer
Mercy Volunteers promote social change through 8 weeks of compassionate service at Mercy Ecospirituality Center in Benson, Vermont and ARISE Adelante in McAllen, Texas. While serving, volunteers live together in community and commit to social justice, spiritual growth, and a simple and sustainable lifestyle. All volunteers are provided with housing, transportation, and a stipend.
The mission of Mercy Ecospirituality Center is to inspire reverence for Earth and to work toward the sustainability of life by acting in harmony with all creation. The space offers opportunities for reflection, education, and living gently in mutual relationship with the Earth. Located in the beauty of Vermont’s Green Mountains, the 39 acres of wooded land, raised bed gardens, and animals are ideal for connecting with creation. Mercy Volunteers tend vegetable gardens, care for animals (sheep, chickens, bees), assist with projects around the farm, and offer hospitality for retreatants.
The mission of ARISE Adelante is to promote the personal development and empowerment of the immigrant community, especially women, children, and youth of the Rio Grande Valley through educational programs that strengthen their organized community and civic participation. ARISE Adelante provides an opportunity for cross-cultural exchange and offers experiences for volunteers to meet with community members and better understand the realities of the border. Mercy Volunteers serve in the summer program, assisting in planning and carrying out activities for children ages 3.5-14 years. Basic Spanish is preferred, though not required.